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En hommage à ses musiciens préférés, cet artiste réalise leur portrait sur des vinyles

Chaque artiste a son support de prédilection et pour Daniel Edlen, c’est le vinyle qui sert de toile. Sur ses créations, il rend hommage aux grands noms de la musique et aux groupes qui ont marqué l’histoire. Ses portraits sont de sublimes hommages aux artistes qu’il admire et nous vous proposons d’en découvrir quelques-uns ci-dessous.

Passionné par la musique et le dessin, Edlen a su combiner les plaisirs en créant d’incroyables portraits de ses chanteurs préférés sur les vinyles qui les ont fait connaître. Pour honorer les légendes, il trace avec minutie leurs visages sur les disques, utilisant le noir comme fond et contraste aux traits. Ces portraits réalistes et saisissants se marient pleinement avec leur support et auront valu à l’artiste de se faire remarquer durant ses quatre années de pratique.

Years ago, I ran a contest on my blog. @zane.ewton won. Turned out he lived nearby. A superbly creative fellow, Zane takes pictures and writes stories. Now my good friend, he wrote this guest post for my blog. —– Deep into the swinging 1960s, an alien descended from some far off, R&B soul rock planet. He landed on London’s Carnaby Street and outfit himself in the latest fashions. He didn’t say, “Take me to your leader.” He assumed leadership. Vinyl Art is an exceptional marriage of music and image. It is all about the music, of course. Why else are you here? But do not lie to yourself. These musicians, artists and performers that Daniel immortalizes within the grooves of their own creation are all iconic images in popular culture. Few are more iconic than Jimi Hendrix. Jimi Hendrix is one of the elite rock and roll artists that everybody knows and loves. Children are born with an innate knowledge of Hendrix. Anyone more than 40 years old was in the field as he played “The Star Spangled Banner” at Woodstock. The rest of us carry him around like the Abe Lincoln penny in our pocket. Hendrix exists outside of time and space. A simple image of his face conjures the revolution of his musicianship and showmanship. Guitars and afros blazing; the Experience in full flight. The grooves in the record deepen his soulful songwriting. Hendrix was the sizzle and the steak. Soul and bombast. The electric church. —– #VAguestpost #VAcasestudy

#hellomynameis Daniel Edlen and #mystory is I paint portraits on vinyl records — Growing up in the era of the CD, my dad thankfully got me into vinyl. I love everything about it, from the pops and clicks and the ritual of dropping the needle to the blue sticky stuff to weigh down the tone arm just right and the smell of a record cabinet. — When I was a teenager, I was dividing my free time between art classes and used record stores when something clicked. I took one of my many salvaged and beaten old Sgt. Pepper albums and put brush to groove. — As digital music took over, friends suggested I start selling my work. There was an immediate response, probably related to the lack of something to hold of today’s format. After a few group shows, word of mouth, and the growth of social media, it all started to come together. — Along the way, I had the privilege to paint pieces for the David Lynch Foundation auction, a VH1 gallery show, and have had my art become part of the Hard Rock Hotel vibe. I’ve loved being able to give back to the culture, to say thank you with what I do. — So, spinning vinyl is hip again, yet like 40% of vinyl being bought never even gets played. There’s something about the tangibility of the memories, a physical thing, which lends itself to expanding collections. My work fills a niche, and makes for a cool wall of art. — Music has always been a big part of our identity, cultural and individual. Sharing that love of music has always made friends out of strangers and created a community. So we gather. And see the music. —

Jimi Hendrix, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, Tupac, Billie Holiday, Ray Charles ou encore Kurt Cobain : Elden s’attaque à tous les styles et en de plus rares occasions, il illustre les discours qui ont marqué l’histoire, les allocutions de personnages célèbres comme le président américain Kennedy ou le révérend Martin Luther King Jr. L’artiste célèbre aussi bien ses goûts éclectiques en matière de musique que ceux des autres puisqu’il est possible d’acheter ou de commander sa propre pièce directement en ligne via son site internet.

Par JJJ, le

Source: My Modern Met

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